Cleveland Skyline

Cleveland Skyline
Cleveland... What's not to like?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Turkey Trot 2010

It was around my birthday (July 29th) in 2010 that I had decided I wanted to actually train as a runner for a couple of races and see where it took me.  After speaking with a couple of friends, we nailed down the next race to be the Turkey Trot in downtown Cleveland.  A yearly tradition that had lasted for 29 years, it was now my turn to take a crack at it.  It was shortly after my birthday that I had a serious conversation with Mandy and said that if I were to start training seriously, I would need some new actual running kicks and a plan.  I had some friends to bounce some ideas off of, but no one in the elite running category so I sought the advice of the local Second Sole running shop.  It took about 30 minutes of measuring and watching me run to determine a style of shoe I would need (I happen to be a mild supinator).  He brought out 3 different brands and style: Brooks Ghost, Nike Vomero, and an Asics branded one that I can't remember.  The Asics brand was tight around the foot, so they were out, the Brooks and Nike shoes fit well so I took both out for a trial run... Nike won out, but not by much.  This actually shocked me because I have never owned anything Nike before in my life, much less expensive running shoes.  So with new shoes and new goals, I set out training for my 2nd 5 mile race.

IT was around this time that I began keeping a running log to show progress and attain certain goals that I was looking for.  It's very amusing and a proud moment to look at where I've come from.  For instance here is the first line in my log (written in Microsoft Notepad):

09/15 = 1.65mi 17:52 (10:50/mi)

I would run one distance (starting with the 1.65 mile loop around the block) until I eclipsed the 9:00/mi mark that I was looking to attain for the race.  I did pretty well, running around 3 days a week for the better part of September and October, however training tailed off around the middle of October and I can't remember why.  At that point I was running 2.8 miles successfully at a rate close to the 9:00/mi pace I was looking for on race day.  I trained a lot after the middle of October, but for some reason, I decided not to record the rest of my training period.  

Race day rolled around on Thanksgiving morning and I went downtown with Adam and Christina (the new found love of his life).  Christina was a former bike rider and meddled in some running in her day, so she would become a valuable resource.  I ran in much the same outfit as the St. Malachi run, sporting basketball shorts, Nogi rashguard underneath a cotton shirt, winter hat, gloves, but with new secret weapons- shoes and appropriate socks.  The day was colder than St. Malachi at around 35* and raining.  It was the grossest possible weather, but I was in good spirits to be running with so many close friends.  We had a solid group of around 10 people running, at all different levels.  I didn't want to say anything but it looked like I was going to be one of the first to finish in our group after all of my secret training.  Stretches came in the Galaria before the race and Christina offered me everything from powder based Sports drink, nipple rub, and Ibuprofen to prevent future aches and pains.  At this point I passed on all of it, determined to stick to what I knew.  This would adversely change in the future, but more on that later.

The beginning of the race started and Nick and I took the lead in our 10 person pack. We ran a very easy first mile, even to the point where I was thinking "Wow, this is going to be cake!"  However, the reason it was so easy was because we had run an 11:15 minute mile, WAY over what I was hoping to run.  It's funny looking back how differently I viewed 11:!5 minute miles.  The first St. Malachi run I was horrified because I had gone to fast, the Turkey Trot  was horrified because I had gone WAY to slow... what a difference 6 months and a different perspective makes.  It was at this point that I had separated from Nick around Browns Stadium and was looking for anyone in our group.  Around mile 2 I passed by Kristy who was impressively running in her Vibram 5 fingers shoes.  She asked what time I had and looked to pick up the pace with me.  I got to the top of the East 9th hill and had to take a 2 second break to catch my breath as I ran it too fast trying to make up for time.  This was my biggest disappointment of the day, but I took it in stride (haha- pun) and moved on when I could.  I started getting really gassed out around mile 3.5 when we were running away from downtown.  I kept thinking the turn to come back should be close, even around the next bend, but it never came.  Finally there was a quick jaunt in the course and a slight downhill that allowed me to catch my breath a bit before the final straight away down St. Clair.  At this point with only a little over a mile left to go,  I turned on whatever energy I had left and starting running as fast as I could without completely exhausting myself.  I thought at least 5 times that I should stop and take it easy, but I could spot the Galleria in the distance coming closer and closer, so I kept moving forward.  I sprinted the last 50 yards or so and crossed the finish line.  

I took a glance up at the "official" clock and it read 49:10.  I knew I hadn't started at the beginning of the pack, but I also knew that I hadn't started 4:10 back of the starting line.  A look at the website later on confirmed my suspicions as the official time came in at 48:26 (9:41/mi).  Disappointed didn't even begin to describe what I was feeling.  I knew I had lost the goal in the first mile and the subsequent sprint up the hill.  If I wanted to attain future goals I would have to stick to the plan as long as I could and if it went awry, I would have to strategically plan a recovery- not get flustered and try to make up time all at once.  The one good thing that came of the race is that I did finish first among the guys in our group.  Kristy managed to pull ahead of me somewhere (probably the top of the hill) and finish at 47:00 and Daneen at 47:08.  I was the 3d in the group after that, so I was happy with the progress I had made.  Overall I was inching towards the middle of the pack (175/237 age group and 2040/3387 overall), so progress was made.  I was not satisfied, however and was even more determined than ever to realize certain goals. It was at this point that I think the running bug had officially attached itself to me.  I was going to spend a winter of indoor training to get ready for the 2011 St. Malachi run and break that 45 minute goal if it killed me.  Little did I know that would be the least of the goals that 2011 presented itself with, but more on that later.  

My biggest qualm with the Turkey Trot was the lack of after party.  Being the social person I am, I was disappointed that we were heading home, but family time awaited.  This was the first time I posted on Facebook about my running and received quite a few positive reactions from a wide variety of people, even some that I hadn't thought would care at all, so that was even more positive reinforcement that I was onto something.  Included in these friends was a complete subculture of runners that I didn't even realize existed in my group.  I had many more resources to pull from than I had originally thought, which would lead to many more ideas, suggestions and opportunities in the future.  And my future in running was definitely something I was looking forward to...

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